Posts Tagged ‘blog carnival’
November 11th, 2008

Go over to Pain in the Head for the November Headache and Migraine Disease Blog Carnival. Generally speaking, a blog carnival is a
collection of links to a variety of a blogs on a central topic. The
Headache & Migraine Disease Blog Carnival has been created to
provide both headache patients and people who blog about headaches with
unique opportunities to share ideas on topics of particular interest
and importance to us.
This month there are a number of posts containing art, and others about the relationship between Migraines and art. Many of us find creating art, whether with words, images or other materials, helps to soothe our pain and release our feelings. I want to give another plug here for Migraine Chick‘s new book of Migraine Haiku, which I mentioned a few weeks ago. Migraine Chick can make me laugh, and some of this haiku does that, with its biting cleverness. Some of the poems hurt too much to make me laugh, but they still provide the “aha!” of recognition and the satisfaction of meeting with another mind that really gets it. So check out the art in that book, and I hope also you go over to Pain in the Head and read some of the artful posts you find there.
– Megan Oltman
Tags: blog carnival, Migraine art, Migraine Haiku, Weblogs
Posted in Books, Managing, Weblogs | Comments (0)
September 9th, 2008
Just in time for my Migraine specialist visit next Tuesday, Diana Lee has posted the September Headache Blog Carnival – Tips for Improving Doctor Patient Communication over at Somebody Heal Me. I’m going to have a lot of reading to do!
Generally speaking, a blog carnival is a collection of links to a
variety of a blogs on a central topic. The Headache & Migraine Disease Blog
Carnival has been created to provide both headache and migraine
disease patients and people who blog about headache disorders with unique
opportunities to share ideas on topics of particular interest and importance to
us. Visit the link to this month’s carnival for a collection of
informative entries on improving doctor patient communication.
– Megan Oltman
Tags: blog carnival, doctor/patient communication, headache, Migraine disease
Posted in Medicine, Weblogs | Comments (0)
July 10th, 2008
Don’t forget to submit your entries for the July Headache & Migraine Blog Carnival, which is being hosted at Somebody Heal Me.
The July theme is “How Spirituality Helps Us Cope with Migraines.” Entries on any topic that is particularly interesting, educational or inspirational for headache & migraine sufferers are also welcome. Your blog need not be limited to the topic of headaches and migraines to participate. If you have relevant posts to share, you’re encouraged pass them along.
Entries are due at midnight on Friday, July 11th. They may be submitted through the form on the carnival website or directly to Diana by e-mail.
The carnival will be published on Somebody Heal Me on Monday, July 14th.
If you would like to be added to Diana’s carnival mailing list to receive updates and reminders or are interested in hosting a future edition, please send Diana an e-mail at
– Megan
Tags: blog carnival, headaches, Migraine disease, spirituality
Posted in Weblogs | Comments (0)
May 13th, 2008
Please go check out the May 12, 2008, edition of the Headache & Migraine Disease Blog Carnival. The carnival is posted at Somebody Heal Me. The theme of this month’s carnival is “How to integrate exercise into a life filled with migraines.”
There are lots of great entries on how to keep active, and then quite a few on other topics, including “exercises” in relaxing and calming our systems – a wonderful juxtaposition of inner and outer fitness! I contributed one of the “inner” ones, as I’ve been quite challenged on the “outer”[ front lately. The good news is that I am very encouraged by the posts in this carnival – read them – they will help!
Submit your blog article to the June 2008 edition of the Headache & Migraine Disease Blog Carnival using the carnival submission form or by sending entries directly to Diana by e-mail.
The June 2008 theme will be “How to Have a Fun, Healthy Vacation in Spite of your Migraines.” Entries are due by midnight on Friday, June 6th (the end of the day). Look for the June carnival to appear on Monday, June 9th.
– Megan
Tags: blog carnival, exercise, fitness, headache, Migraine disease, staying active, Weblogs
Posted in Weblogs | Comments (1)
April 14th, 2008
I love carnivals, but with a migraineur’s sensitivity to crowds and sound, it’s hard to stay out in the carnival long. Here’s a very quiet carnival you can enjoy at your own pace!
The April 2008 edition of the Headache & Migraine Disease Blog Carnival is up at Somebody Heal Me. Many thanks to Diana Lee for bringing us a lot of ideas on topics of particular interest and importance to us.
For the April 2008 carnival Diana solicited submissions on the topic of “your best basic advice for coping with migraines”. There are a lot of entries this month, varying from the intensely personal to the scientific and informative. Look forward to lots of good reading! Please go over to Somebody Heal Me for all the links. I will mention a few here that I’ve had the chance to read.
Sue at InnerDorothy presents My Brave and Hopeful Heart. A moving picture of accepting reality with grace. Teri Robert at My Migraine Connection presents Migraines & Headaches: Coping and Staying Whole with some clear and encouraging advice to help us feel in control. Kerrie Smyres at The Daily Headache presents the hopeful Three Things Each Day, Even if That’s Only Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Deborah at Weathering Migraine Storms presents a moving personal picture Coping with the Pain. Debbie Fister presents a very practical list for limiting migraines and dealing with them when they occur at Coping with Migraine and Chronic Pain posted at Down the Rabbit Hole: The Journey of a Migraineur. Janet Geddis presents a checklist you shouldn’t travel without at Migraine & Travel posted at The Migraine Girl. Eileen Gray presents Fighting the Good Fight posted at My Life with Migraine. Eileen inspires me with her determination. Rena at Dealing with Headaches presents Tom Cruise: The Spirit of Migraine. As usual, Rena made me howl.
I’m looking forward to reading the rest! Enjoy!
– Megan
Tags: blog carnival
Posted in Communicating, Managing, Weblogs | Comments (0)
April 9th, 2008
Don’t forget to submit your entries for the April Headache & Migraine Blog Carnival which is being hosted at Somebody Heal Me: The Musings of a Chronic Migraineur by Diana Lee.
The April theme is “your best basic strategies for coping with migraines and headaches.”
Entries on any topic that is particularly interesting, educational or inspirational for headache & migraine sufferers are also welcome. Your blog need not be limited to the topic of headaches and migraines to participate. If you have relevant posts to share, you’re encouraged pass them along.
Entries are due at midnight on Friday, April 11th. (That means the end of the day Friday. And Diana is in Central Time). They may be submitted through the form on the carnival website Here – Blog Carnival, or directly to Diana by e-mail.
The carnival will be published on Somebody Heal Me on Monday, April 14th.
If you would like to be added to Diana’s carnival mailing list to receive updates and reminders or are interested in hosting a future edition, please send Diana an e-mail at
Themes and hosts have been set for April, May and June, so please visit the following link to get more information about upcoming editions: Somebody Heal Me.
– Megan
Come on join in the fun!
Tags: blog carnival
Posted in Weblogs | Comments (0)