April 18th, 2009
Other people do not consult me about their landscaping. That is one of the unfortunate facts of my life. This is a spirea bush. A most attractive shrub. When it is blooming it has a lovely little cluster of white or purple flowers, like this:
They are very attractive. The purple ones bloom from spring to fall and have very little smell. The white ones bloom in spring and have an acrid smell that makes the inside of my nose tingle, and make me sneeze up a storm. I call them Sneezebushes. I am allergic to them. When I breathe their pollens for an extended period, I tend to get a Migraine. Interestingly, Landscape America tells us
“Aspirin is the generic medical name for the chemical acetylsalicylic acid, a derivative of salicylic acid. Compounds of salicylic acid are found in some plants, notably white willow and meadowsweet (Spirea ulmaria). Acetyl- and spirea which inspired the name aspirin.”
I am anaphylactically allergic to drugs in the aspirin family! Coincidence? Hmmm…
Then there is the Bradford Pear. It is a lovely blooming, non-fruiting pear tree, much favored for landscaping along shopping streets. Here is Witherspoon Street in Princeton, NJ, completely lined with Sneezetrees, oh I’m sorry, I mean Bradford Pears… I don’t know if they are in any way related to spirea. Spirea are in rose family and so are pear trees, but I am not allergic to roses or other blooming fruit trees. The smell is similar, and the effect on me is the same, an acrid sensation in my nostrils, sneezing, and Migraine.
My neighbors across the street put in three lovely little Bradford pears in their front yard last spring. When we open the front door on a nice April Saturday like today our house fills with the scents. Achoo! Ow! Achoo! Ow! Me lying down with the Imitrex and the Benadryl, hoping to be on my feet later… Well, the blooms will fall in a week or two, right?
– Megan
Spirea image courtesy of Di the Huntress; Single Bradford pear image courtesy of Deep Valley Tree Farm
Tags: allergies, Migraine triggers
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